Friday, March 27, 2009

Reading instructions or not...

I find that most people these days do not like reading instructions.
It is much easier to try something on your own or just pick up the phone and call for help. Many times the help desk people at the other end of the line just read from the instructions/documents that came with the product or service you bought.

Whether it is online help for software or instructions for assembling products or using services, most people tend to rely on themselves or the phone rather than reading the instructions/documentation.

I have politely asked some folks that why they chose to ignore the instructions.
Some of the common responses I get to this question is..
- I didn't think of looking at the instructions
- Instructions are for dumb people
- I couldn't read beyond the first few lines on the first page
- Instructions are boring
- Trying on your own is exciting. It is even more exciting if the darn thing works!

The solution that works for me is simply assuming that instructions/documents are rarely read.

Why do people hate instructions/documentation?
Share your point of view - Comment on this post

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