Saturday, July 31, 2010

Lean System requires eliminating Muda, Muri, Mura

We all have heard that lean is all about waste (or muda) elimination. Muda is any activity that does not add value. Lean methodology requires eliminating all such wasteful activities. Almost every organization that implements Lean talks about waste elimination.
Yes, removing waste (muda) is the most important aspect of Lean implementation. However, equally important are Muri and Mura. Actually Muda, Muri and Mura work together in a Lean enterprise.

So what is Muri and Mura?
Muri is pushing people or machines over the limit causing breakdown or defects.
Mura is unevenness in production due to fluctuations causing irregularities in production volumes. Fluctuations could be external or internal to the enterprise. External fluctuation is due to variation in customer demand whereas internal fluctuation is due to machine downtime, missing parts or people required to operate machines or defects.

Lean implementation requires a balance between Muri and Mura to remove Muda.

Have you thought about Muri and Mura in your lean implementation? How do you balance overburdening people/equipment and production irregularities to remove waste?
Write to us at about your lean journey.

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